Ever been around Hobe Sound the first week of December?   It is a very busy week.   If not, here is just a small 'glimpse' of the different activities one or both girls are in:

Wednesday,  Friday - Sunday night  the Singing Tree --should you like to watch it--go to HobeSoundBibleChurch.com --Whitney is standing in the first row 

Saturday --the Hobe Sound parade ---both girls are in the school's marching band.  Whitney playing the trombone and Erin the saxophone.

Monday and Tuesday--Rachel attended a workshop to help students comprehend better.  It was one of the best workshops I have ever attended.

Tuesday--James flew back to Haiti for his final few days there.  Next Thursday he will fly home and readjust to live in the US.

Often I find myself so caught up in the busyness of life --that I fail to take time to truly focus daily on the REASON for the SEASON!   Today my Bible lesson we discussed the incarnate Christ.  Trying to grasp the fact that He left the splendor and majesty of the Celestial City --to come to earth --so I could be redeemed, gave me a renewed sense of peace.  As the day progressed, I marvel at the fact that He loved me, sought me, and redeemed me --when I came to Him. 

When I was praying, I prayed that I might help someone on their journey --today, I crossed the paths of many people--people that are carrying burdens --I shared a smile, said a few kind words, and the irony of it all--someone was sent my way and they encouraged me on my journey today.   

Today I had my 5th grade class and the 6th graders ( Language class) list theirs, so I thought, I should do the same:

A= abilities   (to walk, think, breathe, move, etc)
B= Bible and the brother - in - laws
C= chocolate
D= dad
E= Erin
F = family and friends
G= gift of Salvation
H=home filled with laughter and joy
J= James the love of my life
K=kindness shown by those who care
L= love of God that is unconditional
M=money to keep the bills paid
N=nieces and nephews on both the Carter and Collins' side
O=opportunities to be a life long learner
P=peace from God
Q= quietness
R=radiant smiles that are shown to brighten the day of those who might need it
S=sisters and sister -in-laws
T=the extended family
U=United States of America and unity
V=vehicle that is running well
X=xtra blessings sent from above even when we do not deserve them
Y=yellow--the bright sunshine that warms the spirit
Z= Zelpha--my mom who is now in heaven

and of course the list could extend --for we are so blessed.  Trust you and your will have a wonderful holiday--
Thanks for the prayers on the behalf of James' father.  If you check Leonard's and James' face book page, that is were you find the most recent information.  Continue to pray for James' dad and for James' mom.   

I am so proud of Whitney--she now has her permit!!  Now, I will begin wearing a new hat.  The hat which fits those who sit on the passenger side of the vehicle.  Carefully instructing and guiding the new learner --working with them helping to develop the new driver into in a safe driver.  I  am excited to wear this hat.  I will gladly pass it off to James, when he returns in a few days.

Thanksgiving will be time spent with family.  Treasuring memories, creating new memories and missing those who are not with us --due to distance or for those who are now in heaven.  I often visualize my mom, James' grandma and other friends and family members who are already in heaven.  Standing there on the heavenly balcony cheering me on--AND cheering you the reader of this blog on.  Realizing their traveling days upon earth are finished--they are now numbered among the Redeemed --cheering us on. 

For you that read the blog--today, I pray that you will experience 'joy in your spiritual journey'.  May your Heavenly Father be near and dear to you--and may your prayers be answered according to His divine plan.   The realization that He is able to look down through the telescope of time--and because He is able to see the future and know what we need today--He is FAITHFUL --and will do above and beyond what one could even begin to imagine!

Just sharing some heart thoughts~

Saturday afternoon was absolutely beautiful.  Balmy breezes blew gently swaying the palm tree branches.  The crisp cool year was welcomed.  So clad in a sweat shirt the three Collins gals (+ Trixie) ventured into the front yard.  With tools in hand we began to spruce up the bushes---and of course we need to pause for those classic Kodak moments.   Hope you enjoy the pictures. 
We are thankful for the cooler weather, James 'should' be home this weekend.  We trust you have a blessed day!  Can not wait to read you comment.   Just wondering what the weather was like in your part of the world?  

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I sit here in tears this morning after reading the post and comments that my beautiful wife posted and then others responded on. This is the reason why I am able to keep doing what I truly feel God has called me to do at this time in my life.

I am going to try to catch everyone up as quickly as possible on what has been going on over the last few days. I believe I finished off on the road being totally covered in mud and as you can see we loaded the truck to the hilt with everything we could with jerry cans and IV bags. Over these 48 hours I saw death from old to babies I saw sickness in such a way that can only be described as heartbreaking. we pulled over by this one lady along the side of the road she was carrying a baby and we gave her some food that we had left over in the car and as she reached out for the food I saw some of the saddest eyes you could ever see it make me tear up even as I am writing this as she reached for the food the baby rolled away from her chest and I realize that the baby had died and then I knew why she had such sad eyes.

It is only because I serve a risen Savior that I can continue to go on because I know another child made it to the arms of Jesus. God is so good but I often wonder why so much senseless death and then am reminded that God does not promise us a life of luxury but he does promise to be with us always and if one child’s death can bring others to Christ then to God be the glory.

Ok back to lighter things now we are continuing to monitor the cholera outbreak and it appears to have stablelized and the deaths have tapered off thanks be to God.

T--Trying to

R--Rest in God when the

U-- Uncontrollable and unchangeable

S-- Situations and

T-- Testing times find their way at my doorstep.

Will James be able to come home this weekend?  This will be the SECOND time we have planned --but since we can not control cholera or hurricanes--I struggle some.  My sister is facing some medical procedures this week--what will the results be.?  My father in law is having surgery the middle of next month? 

Guess it  is like my trust could be compared to the mighty waves found in the ocean during one of these storms.  They are huge, billowy and absolutely fascinating to watch.  Crashing into the shore, then scurrying back out to sea.  To be tossed about again.   Wonder if a wave ever feels alone, lost, no sense of direction?   A few days later, I drive down to the same seashore--and there is a peace!  A calmness! when just a few short days ago, there waves were restless and aimlessly seeking that refuge.

Dear God,  You have told us in your word that we are to Trust.  Please, help my TRUST not to waver aimlessly as the storms and situations of life come rolling in.  I pray that you will be with my family members --strengthen their faith and trust.  Be with my friends who are facing difficult days ahead--keep them in your strong arms.  Help me to be one to lift them to you daily---help me to share an encouraging word to help them on their journey. 
Be with those who have answered your call and home is now on another continent / maybe even another  hemisphere--be with them in a special way.  Help me to find that place of solace--a place of refuge --and in turn please allow me to be a blessing to someone --to lighten their load.

In Your Name,


This seems to be a question, I am asked frequently.  At times my emotions run the full spectrum, but I rest in the fact that He who calls --it is He who will be there for all the question marks that I might have.  It is my privilege to stand behind the love of life, James--supporting him in prayer, answering his phone calls regardless of what time it might be, and trying to keep information updated because he is so busy.  For you that read the blog---THANKS so very much.
Wow what a crazy 48 hours. I hardly know where to begin but I will try.  We received a call from our friends at Partners in Health on Thursday October 21 at about 9am asking if we could partner up with them to try to stop an epidemic of cholera. Well David called me and asks if I wanted to go help people get safe water to drink and I said for sure. Within 3 short hours I had 2 trucks loaded full with 2 water systems and all the tools and other supplies we could carry --was not for sure what to expect. The drive is about 2 to 3 hours from Port au Prince. When we arrived in Saint Marc we went straight to the hospital and talked to our friends at Partners in Health. Upon our arrival at the hospital it was very unnerving what I saw-- there were hundreds of patients laying everywhere. There were many that were dying or next to it everywhere. I saw a  nurse try several times to put an iv into a girl that was about 10 years old that was so dehydrated that finally they had to put a band around her neck and finally was able to get an iv in her neck. This girl was so sick she could not hold herself up in the wheelchair.   I later ask about her and was told she did not make it. I wanted to cry as I realized that most of the people I was looking at would not live to see another sunrise and unfortunately I was right.   

                Cholera what is it and why were people dying from it so fast it is a bacterium that got into the river where these villagers draw their water from and due to all the flooding that has happened in the last few weeks it appears that cholera got into the water. This seems to move very fast on the young and elders mainly because cholera causes diarrhea and vomiting. Well, you can guess what happened at first they were given more water by their family members to keep them from getting dehydrated but instead was making them more sick.

                Ok back to the hospital well as you can imagine the smells of diarrhea, vomiting and yes even the smell of death was very strong at the hospital. I immediately told David lets go we have to get clean water to these people before more die. We immediately jumped back into our trucks and drove about 45 mins. to 1 hour to the place where a lot of cases had been reported to us by the doctors. We encounter 1000’s of desperate people begging for water. I also encountered several road blocks --by people that refused to let people go on because they wanted water. This is where God helped in a mighty way. We safely made it through each road block and were able to go to a small village that had not had any water for over 2 days. We jumped out and within 2 hours the first glass of clean was served. We then loaded up and left one man there to run the system all night and told him we would come back with more systems in the morning. We arrived back in Port Au Prince at 11:30 pm.

                6am awake and on the road again wondering what we would face and how much more death we would face we went straight to the warehouse and loaded up as much as we could load and left for Saint Marc again. Again we stopped by the hospital and were told another 100 had died throughout the night. My heart broke as I knew many were children I had seen yesterday. I immediately ask the doctor where we were needed for the biggest impact on the water front and she stated around the same place as yesterday. She also stated that they were going to look at another village in a different area and would call us later. We left and was relieved to see our guys sitting there running the water system and had been through the night. People were very happy and smiling. We then were told of a village about 30 min father that needed help well you know me I yelled to everyone to get into the trucks and off we went.

                Dauphin  a small village were most have never been and many could not get to due to the condition of the roads. As we got to a village we kept asking for Dauphin and they just kept pointing farther and farther down this very mud. I finally had to stop all trucks and told them to wait because they could not make it and I was not even sure if we would make it in the 4x4 SUV but after 15 mins. Of roads that disappeared in water and a nearly slid into another truck that was stuck in 2 feet of soupy mud we arrived in a village that looked like a ghost town. When we arrived a few people came out and we ask if this was Dauphin and we were told that it was not that we had to go a little farther down the road but they told us that we could not make it by truck. We ask why and were told the roads were very bad could only walk through mud and water to get there. We then ask where everyone in their village was ……….well it is 230am and I am tired and have had a rough 2 days will post more tomorrow I have to be up in 3 hours so please keep us in your prayers.
load lifesaver cans to take to Dauphin
How exciting it was for James to open the card--and inside he saw information for a trip home.  He was able to come home for four days.  Together we kept it a secret from the girls--and needless to say both girls were REALLY SURPRISE to see dad. 

Whitney saw him Sunday night---about 11:45 pm.  Thanks to all our friends and family who helped to keep this a secret.  Erin rode down with me to West Palm--and we met him at a Burger King.  Her expression was priceless--and from what I hear, Whitney's reaction was very similar. 

For those who live up north and enjoy the beautiful fall colors--enjoy them for us. 

James looks forward to hearing from you on face book---and should you decide to comment on our blog--we would be happy to hear from you.  Know that we care and appreciate all of you.  James should writing soon about what he is doing in Haiti--his work consist of building, distributing food or medical needs, assessing situations and creating a workable plan.  James  is in his element --the Joseph of the modern day warehouse in Haiti--it is excited to be about Kingdom work.   Thanks for you prayers.